The time is drawing closer to leave for the summer. It seems too easy to rejoice in the coming adventure. We’ll gain free time, tropical climate (no winter for us next year!), exotic new places and people, etc.. I’m thrilled to spend time traveling by motorbike with Katie, and learning Spanish in a Spanish-speaking culture is more fun and effective than sitting in a classroom. I intend to learn how to slow down a bit. I plan to continue practicing patience and humility with my wife.
Despite the excitement our destinations hold, I’m inclined to mourn the things we’ll lose by leaving Salt Lake for 9 months. Here I have a stable existence. My work is as meaningful as I make it. I have Sam and Eric and Chad to hang out with and talk—to keep me sane. There are a bunch of friends on the periphery as well, who I could easily call to climb or ski with. The Bossart and Vought families and Sunday night group has provided a tremendous support to me since I’ve lived here. Salt Lake has lovely mountains and it is easy to “get away” for an afternoon. The park is nearby to run. There isn’t an area in the city I am afraid to be in during nighttime hours. There is safety, which is the necessary corridor to activity, and a great playground that’s accessed easily. There are people with which I can share as much of my life and love as I choose. I have a great job and love all my co-workers more than they know. I could go on, but suffice it to say that on June 15th Katie and I will ride away from all of this. We will be too cold, too hot, scared of other drivers and have to watch our backs. We plan to return to Salt Lake, but it will be different. We’ll look for new jobs and start again. Is this the behavior of people who are looking for something?
Here is Katie's new has a kick start.